Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Zombie Survival Guide and Zombieland

This novel really made me think about the movie, Zombieland. Many of the same survival skills, battle tactics, and even a bit of humor is in both. The Zombie Survival Guide tells how to survive the Zombie apocalypse, whereas Zombieland tells a (fictional) personal account of a guy, alone in a Zombie land, finding his way to safety. Along the way, he befriends a few people who join him on his travels. He develops his own tips and tricks on how to fend off Zombies and has a whole novel of tips stored in his brain. In both, we learn the hardships during a Zombie apocalypse and how to survive them. 
In my last blog post, I stated that the Zombie Survival Guide doesn't prepare you for emotional hardship. The movie, on the other hand, does show the pain that the main character suffered as he watched civilization deteriorate due to the rise of the undead. He watched the girl he 'liked' transform (and even attack him!) and all of his friends and family either died or transformed. 
I would definitely recommend reading the novel and watching the movie (in that order) because once you know all the survival skills from the novel, you can watch the movie and compare and contrast (It's actually really fun, I did it myself!).

What the Guide Doesn't Prepare You For

This book is excellent for teaching survival for a world overrun by the undead, but what about preparing you for the emotional damage? The Zombie Survival Guide won't prepare you for the damage done by losing someone to Solanum. What if your son, your daughter, your significant other, and other friends and family contracted Solanum from a Zombie? As you watch them get bitten, know they're going to transform, will you be able to kill them for the safety of you and the other survivors?
Watching someone you love get bit by a Zombie is heartbreaking because you know they're doomed. When a Zombie bites, a person becomes a Zombie and is dead. If you or your group members kill them, they are still dead. Either way, the person is dead.
How can a person deal with the emotional damage of losing the majority of their friends and family during a Class 3 outbreak? Would they even have the will to survive? Why live when you have no one to love?
How can a person deal if their entire group was eliminated by Zombies? They're all alone, basically the last human alive, similar to Will Smith in I Am Legend. When his dog died, it was almost as if he died inside. He was completely alone.
As helpful as this book is for survival, it won't prepare you for the emotional hardships a person will have to face. I guess that factor is the one you teach yourself how to survive.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Recorded Attacks

At the end of the book, there is a chapter devoted to recorded Zombie attacks. Yes, actual, real-life Zombie attacks.
Attacks took place:
60,000 B.C., Katanda, Central Africa
3000 B.C., Hieraconpolis, Egypt
500 B.C., Africa
329 B.C., Afghanistan
212 B.C., China
121 A.D., Fanum Cocidi, Caledonia (Scotland)
140-41 A.D., Thamugadi, Numidia (Algeria)
156 A.D., Castra Regina, Germania (Southern Germany)
177 A.D., Nameless Settlement near Tolosa, Aquitania (SW France)
700 A.D., Frisia, the Netherlands
850 A.D., Unknown Province in Saxony (Northern Germany)
1073 A.D., Jerusalem
1253 A.D., Fiskurhofn, Greenland
1281 A.D., China
1523 A.D., Oaxaca, Mexico
1554 A.D., South America
1583 A.D., Siberia
1587 A.D., Roanoke Island, North Carolina
1611 A.D., Edo, Japan
1690 A.D., The Southern Atlantic
1762 A.D., Castries, St. Lucia, The Caribbean
1807 A.D., Paris, France
1824 A.D., Southern Africa
1839 A.D., East Africa
1848 A.D., Owl Creek Mountains, Wyoming
1852 A.D., Chiapas, Mexico
1867 A.D., The Indian Ocean
1882 A.D., Piedmont, Oregon
1888 A.D., Hayward, Washington
1893 A.D., Fort Louis Philippe, French North Africa
1901 A.D., Lu Shan, Formosa
1905 A.D., Tabora, Tanganyika, German East Africa
1911 A.D., Vitre, Louisiana
1913 A.D., Paramaribo, Surinam
1923 A.D., Colombo, Ceylon
1942 A.D., The Central Pacific
1942-45 A.D., Harbin, Japanese Puppet State of Manchukuo (Manchuria)
1943 A.D., French North Africa
1947 A.D., Jarvie, British Columbia
1954 A.D., Than Hoa, French Indochina
1957 A.D., Mombasa, Kenya
1960 A.D., Byelgoransk, Soviet Union
1962 A.D., Unidentified Town, Nevada
1968 A.D., Eastern Laos
1971 A.D., Nong'ona Valley, Rwanda
1975 A.D., Al-marq, Egypt
1979 A.D., Sperry, Alabama
Oct. 1980 A.D., Maricela, Brazil
Sep. 1980 A.D., Juruti, Brazil
1984 A.D., Cabrio, Arizona
1987 A.D., Khotan, China
Dec. 1992 A.D., Joshua Tree National Monument, California
Jan. 1993 A.D., Downtown Los Angeles, California
Feb. 1993 A.D., East Los Angeles, California
Mar. 1994 A.D., San Pedro, California
Apr. 1994 A.D., Santa Monica Bay, California
1996 A.D., The Line of Control, Srinagar, India
1998 A.D., Zabrovst, Siberia
2001 A.D., Sidi-Moussa, Morocco
2002 A.D., St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
You may not believe these attacks are real, but when you read about the attack in the book and use the context of previous chapters, the so-called 'Zombie attacks' actually sound legitimate! Scary, right?
When you think about it, that may not be many attacks considering how long humans have lived on the Earth, but each attack could lead to a Class 4 outbreak; thus, the end of the world. Every single attack and outbreak should be taken VERY seriously whether it's one Zombie attacking or 500 Zombies. In the words of the Girl Scouts, always be prepared.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Living in an Undead World

Some Zombie attacks (like the Class 1 or Class 2) are easy to overcome as long as there is some force, such as the government (or you!) to stop it by eliminating all Zombies. BUT - What if a Zombie attack goes undetected? Then we're doomed.
A Class 3, or the rare and dangerous Class 4, are very challenging to overcome. Is it possible? Maybe. Such a large amount of Zombies are most likely to be spread out already due to their loner natures, therefore, containment is impossible. What does a person do when the world is already overrun by Zombies? How is survival possible?
The answer is to recreate society. For thousands and thousands of years, humans have been creating society and adapting to the habitat that they occupy. Society is already created, so for a human of our intellect, we are many years ahead of the original homosapien. Take many people, find a remote, unoccupied place on earth (preferably a distant uninhabited island), and live there. Think of it as one of those survival movies and TV shows where the victim's plane crashed on an island, such as Gilligan's Island, Cast Away, and Lost. They seemed to turn out okay... except when Tom Hanks lost Wilson, but if you have human companions, you won't even need a Wilson.
When recreating society, a person has a lot to adapt to. Today, people are so cushioned by luxury items, it is hard to function without them. One must assemble a group, wean themselves off luxury items, find out where to go, acquire knowledge of this place, plan the safest route, have backup plans, remain concealed and isolated. You and your group are now, as far as you are concerned, the only humans left. It doesn't matter if there are any other humans, they are nonexistent in your eyes.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

On the Attack

So, we know how to defend ourselves against zombies... we know how to run from zombies... but how do we fight them? And by that, I don't mean the chapter that went over which weapons and techniques are useful, I mean how do we fight! Like battles, war tactics, etc! It's like in football where they have specific plays for certain situations, but in the sense of zombie killing. Traps and methods depending on the situation and the location are whats needed!
First of all, you need multiple people! The more, the merrier. Always go out during the day because humans are not at their best when it's dark outside. Communication, knocking on doors, listening, being aware, patience, proper disposal, and discipline are a must.
Some battle scenarios include Lure and Destroy, The Barricade, The Tower, Mobile Tower, The Cage,
The Tank, The Stampede, Motorized Sweep, Airborne Sweep, The Firestorm, and Underwater Battles. As long as you understand each form of attack, you can take down any Zombie! You must use your surroundings and incorporate them into each attack.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

On the Run

Oftentimes, a person will need to leave their place of shelter. In fact, people have to escape and migrate because Zombies can overrun their shelter. In these cases, people must always be on the run. There is never safety when Zombies are around!
When on the run, never stop unless some people need help. One must always establish a destination so that he/she can have a direction to move in. Also, one must have knowledge of his/her destination.
Fitness is a major necessity; how can a person run if they have no endurance? A person must train themselves and the rest of their group if they are to successfully survive a Zombie attack. People must be mobile, invisible, and aware of their surroundings. When in groups, people must sleep in shifts; not sleeping is practically suicide. And at all costs, urban areas must be avoided! The more living there is, the more likely the living dead.
People need to carry supplies to help aide their run, but they must pack light! Cars, specifically the sedan type vehicle, are recommended. If one has access to an armored vehicle, they must use it! Motorcycles are perfect except for their lack of protection. If necessary, a person must use a bike or horse to escape.
1. Know the Area
2. Never use Four-Wheeled Vehicles in crowded roads
3. Use the Freway
4. Remain Above Ground
5. Watch for friendly fire
6. Enter by dawn, leave by dusk
7. Sleep with an escape
This chapter is very useful in learning how to escape Zombie attacks. It tells how to escape on land, water, or air. It tells how to run away from crowds of Zombies, how to survive certain terrains and environments, and how to migrate between places.

On the Defense

So, now we know how to recognize a Zombie and how to fight a Zombie. But how can we defend ourselves? How can we find shelter? The third chapter in the Zombie Survival Guide is On the Defense, and it shows how we can defend ourselves in our homes, public spaces, and fortresses.
To protect the home, people must take precautions. The home is a good place to hide in a Class 1 Zombie attack. Doors must be boarded up and fences must be put up. In apartments, the safest people are in higher up floors. Supplies needed includes a rifle, shotgun, pistol, silencers, heavy crossbow, telescopic sight, night vision scope, laser sight, Katana sword, Wakizashi short blade sword, two knives, and a hand hatchet. A house must also be stocked up on supplies to maintain survival and a persons needs, such as food, water, and energy.
Public spaces are often safer because of their larger amount of space and should be supplied heavier than the home. Public spaces and homes are often sufficient in helping one survive the Class 1 and Class 2 attacks, but the most adequate structure for safety, especially in a Class 3 outbreak, would be some sort of military structure. Military Complexes, Prisons, and Offshore Oil rigs are intended to be strong, durable, and able to keep enemy forces out, including Zombies.
When one chooses a place to stay to defend against Zombies, they must consider a number of factors, such as when and where the Zombie attack is taking place.